I'm happy to announce that my online shop is reopened and ready to sell you HoT books! Printed on high-quality paper, this book is the definitive way to read the first four chapters. Not only that, it includes a never-before-seen print bonus comic about the crew playing DND!
If you're a superfan of the comic, may I recommend the special Book 1 bundle? Get the book and half-off on the stickers PLUS a bonus postcard print!
Whether you get it on its own or in a bundle, every book will come signed. The holidays are right around the corner, so if you're buying a book as a gift, get your orders in soon!
I've finished my preparations for Chapter 14 as well as made great progress on prep for 15 and 16! I hope this will lead to much smaller breaks between these final chapters (say 1-2 weeks instead of 3-4 months). Ch 14 is in production now, and with all the upcoming holiday travel I'll be doing in mind, the comic will return in earnest on January 4th, 2024!
To tide you over, I'll be posting Reader Questions every Thursday! You can still submit a question by taking the HoT Readers' Survey. Thanks to everyone who took the survey as well as submitted a question!
See ya then!